In the school of spirituality the allegorical praxis is unavoidable. It is employed as an interpretive tool, and as an...
Seven Mondays, 18:00-20:00, throughout Lent and Eastertide from March 10th. Detailed information can be found on the Carmelite Priory Mdina...
Seminar on Edith Stein from the 15th – 16th February 2014 Detailed information can be found on the Carmelite Priory...
Henri Nouwen ( 1932 – 1996 ) is regarded as one of the most influential spiritual writers in the contemporary Christian...
Nhar il-5 ta’ Otrubru 2012, fir-Refettorju l-Qadim tal-Kunvent tal-Karmnu fl-Imdina, sar il-ftuh tas-sena akkademika fl-Istitut Karmelitan. F’din il-lejla kien hemm...
Mill-24 sas-27 ta’ Mejju, l-Istitut Karmelitan ta’ Spiritwalità laqa’ fi hdanu konferenza internazzjonali dwar l-Ispiritwalità Biblika li ghaliha hadu sehem...
Date, Place & Time: Tuesday 22 May 2012, Sala Madonna tal-Karmnu – B’Kara @ 19hrs
Date, Place & Time: 28 May 2012, Sala Madonna tal-Karmnu – B’Kara @ 19.30 hrs